Thursday, March 23, 2017

Spring with the Guardians of the Earth Type Planets!

While the trees blossom enjoy reading The Guardians of the Earth Type Planets anywhere! Try the free sample at Amazon Kindle & Goodreads!

Before reading check out the videos to prepare for the adventure!
Characters (Video 1 & 2)
Locations (Video 1 & 2)

During this time, I have designed four illustrations that will be used from now on in each season. The Guardians of the Earth Type Planets is a science fiction novel for all ages having topics like reincarnation, vampires, artificial intelligence machines, alien life, etc. In other words, I have created planet Twinmortal as a world where anything can happen! There are no rules but imagination.

Summer: Amaranth with her sidekick Doron, an artificial intelligence machine.

Autumn: Amaranth with second-in-command boy Loto (left) and the vampire woman Enyo (right)

Winter: Amaranth with the half human and machine Hanshin (left) and the protector of the memories from the extinguished planet Mortal called Banyan (center).

Spring: Amaranth with the Egyptian Sun Wukong who is a fighter against machines.