Thursday, April 30, 2015

Classics that come back for the new generations: Sailor Moon and Dragon Ball

First it was Sailor Moon new series by the creator Naoko Takeuchi. The whole story was told from the beginning only that the comedy part was practically eliminated making the story more serious and loyal to the original manga.
Now Dragon Ball is coming back in a new series by the original creator Akira Toriyama, the new series continues the adventures of Dragon Ball Z.
Both projects are quite promising trying to revive the classics that are inspiring writers every day. In some way, The Guardians of the Earth Type Planets was also influenced by these two works that I loved in my childhood. The simple way of portraying fights and focusing more on character’s feelings and struggle to survive is a new way of writing that I inherited from authors like Naoko Takeuchi and Akira Toriyama.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

The Guardians of the Earth Type Planets 1st Anniversary!!!

To celebrate the 1st anniversary of the Guardians of the Earth Type Planets we present the readers a trailer where one can imagine Planet Twinmortal. Follow the adventures of Amaranth and her companions!

Wednesday, April 1, 2015